- sermon "duct tape for dads" deut 6:4-13
- stick to the main thing. love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, strength & soul. thats the main thing.
- i have one job: love the Lord my God...
- God has identified that the main thing i need to do is love Him.
- Gods design is for men to lead others to love God. be His example.
- i need a strong bounded love for God that others can see.
- be like duct tape - strong but flexible. do it wholeheartedly. go all in!
- if i value something then act like i actually do. dont just say i love Him act like it. do everything with a full heart. theres no room for wimpy christianity.
- live to the spirit of the law not the letter so you dont lose your passion for God.
- dont be so rigid in my faith that i miss God & his plan. be flexible. God doesnt keep me from things but molds me.
- my relationship with God should move & change me.
- walk & talk & share my heart for God regularly.
- duct tape isnt the permanent solution. therefore *i* am not the answer; He is.
- God directs me & gives me my provisions. just cause i work & buy stuff none of it is mine. its all Gods.
- God is the answer to every question & problem.
- i was designed by God, for God, to lead people to God.
- it is human nature to forget Gods commands. i need to obey Him. choose to obey.
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3 years ago
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