Sunday, September 21, 2003

Though exhausted, quite informative.
Both day & night - it was awesome. Jordan & Tatiana during the day, Anne at night.

J&T's workshops were cool. For some of them, I expected them to cover more than they got to (especially FBI), but I guess I can't have everything. The best part of those workshops was the critique session. I got to dance with Slick Mike for his critique & Brian for mine. Slick Mike was a great warmup, smooth song. I'd expected a not as smooth song for my critique since it was used for a couple critiques, but in the end, I was glad I got the smooth song.

Smooth songs make it so I can control my crazy dancing. I had good contrast of keeping quiet unless I wanted to bring something out in the music. Even though J&T said they were going to critique basics (not musical interpretation), Tatiana said she loved my musical interpretation (Jordan agreed) & repeated what I had done that she liked. Then they got to what I need to work on. Jordan was going to go first, but he lost his thought so Tatiana went first. She stole his critique. Between the two of them, it wasn't anything I hadn't heard before: take smaller steps & push off the back foot instead of gripping the ground ahead of me and pulling.

I was pretty exhausted from the day; I probably should have gone home, but I decided to dance some more. I tried to go from the workshops to Ivanna's house for dinner, but it took a lot longer to get on the road than expected. We ended up meeting at Saugus Elks 'cause she had a private scheduled with Bill. She was absolutely wonderful & brought me the dinner she'd cooked & some wine (that I didn't like). The food was great & we ended up talking for quite a while about a bunch of random stuff. It was quite a while 'cause Bill didn't show up until a lot later on.

With being exhausted & a lot of my favorite dancers not being there, I thought it was going to be a waste of a night. Luckily, I got talking with Anne about my dancing. I danced with her to show her my anchors from Hazel&Tybaldt, Sarah Vann Drake & Robert Cordoba. She couldn't believe that I could just whip them out on command. When I'd talked to her & Jen Lyons previously, she thought I was confused about all the information I'd been getting from everyone. No longer did she think that; now she thinks that I need to find my dance.

I was running real high on life after talking with Anne, but I was feeling rather tired & wasn't having any spectacular dances. Just as I had been thinking of leaving, a bunch of my favorite dancers showed up. I ended up staying until normal ending time to keep on dancing. I slept rather well that night & was quite satisfied with the weekend.

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